When you have Ethan Johnson and Cole Howlett in the post, your team is going to be hard to beat. This weekend was no exception. In match-ups against Harwinton and New Britain, Johnson was sensational on both sides of the floor. On the 2-game stretch, he scored 26 points, grabbed 28 rebounds, dished 3 assists, and swiped 6 steals. There is no way to overstate the completeness of the effort and so Ethan is our Player of the Week.
As part of the front-court law firm of "Howlett & Johnson" Cole put together as good of a two-game stretch as we've seen this season. Against New Britain and Harwinton, Howlett collected 24 points, 23 rebounds, 1 assist, 1 steal, and 1 blocked shot. His play was very worthy of the Honorable Mention this week.